How has life been for you?
Have you been feeling overwhelmed, disillusioned, confused and not able to feel grateful for life?
Do you feel unfulfilled where you are right now, or do you keep reminding yourself of where you have been and where you need to be?
Today could be the beginning of a new journey. As you spread your tentacles, you can reach out to the nooks and crannies of the globe, flowing like a river from high up the mountains, meandering as you cascade down the slopes, converging and pushing with great force. You might not know the time to arrive at the unknown location of the estuary, but you have been given the power to consciously chart and guide the flow in order to get to your desired endpoint.
You need to become deliberate and package your life for who you really want to and need to become. The you that God created especially unique with a name. he said that before he formed you in your mother’s womb, He already knew you by name. You have a unique DNA. So, what is your name? Is it a positive name working in your favor or is it a limiting and degrading name, with connotations that does not represent you? You can choose to change your name if it limits who you think you are or want to become. Change that identity for that which you call yourself will manifest.
Take your destiny in your hand. Irrespective of what your circumstances of birth and your journey in life has been, if you find the giver of life and acknowledge Him as your father, then He will give you a new name, a new beginning and your life will become transformational. You will begin a new generation, a work in progress and you will make the best out of your life. Abram became Abraham, Sarai became Sarah, Jacob became Israel, Saul became Paul, and so many great men who transited from what they were to what they became. Authority is 20% given but 80% taken.
Your life is likened to that of a river that flows from its upper course, high up the mountains. With its steep gradient of fast flowing water, flowing through the hills and valleys, crushing the obstacles with its vertical erosion and weathering, like the cry of a child who demand its food, disturbing everyone with its demand, refusing to accept any obstacle. Through that childhood phase, you will have opportunities for growth and for your velocity to peak, this will give you the horsepower to turbo charge into your middle stage.

You begin to slow down as you gather the silt as you navigate down the slopes of life. You will watch the patterns of your flow as the sediments and rich silts gather. You get wider as you travel in winding loops with a lot of lateral erosion, deposition and transportation which takes up most of your river of life, resulting in floodplains, meanders and oxbow lakes. It could be as beautiful as the image above if charted right, or brackish as the mangrove swamps in the deltas, or even as still as the Dead Sea.
So, as you meander through the journey of your life, don’t let death cheat you. Begin to plan your exit by becoming deliberate in the way you live. Choose a worthy cause and do not worry about the time when your sojourn will end. This is because it is not in your place to determine that, but it is within your power to decide how pleasurable the journey will be and how much time you have to maximize your potentials. You must work daily on redeeming the time because every single day you sleep and wake up records one day less in your life calendar.
God gave His permission for you to come into the world but He will not take permission from you when He thinks your time is up. He can give you a revelation about your end but he will never take permission from you nor from anyone for his plan. Even the Devil has no right to take your life. God allows death and pain and you must know that He created everything for His pleasure. The Bible tells us in
1. Samuel 16:14- 23, that an evil spirit from God attacked Saul while David played him the harp. The Bible also tells us in the Book of Job Chapter 1: 6-12, that when the sons of God gathered, Satan also was in their midst and he had a talk with God on Job’s righteousness and Satan was given permission by God to attack Job but was also instructed not kill him.
With these two accounts, we acknowledge that God is the creator of good and evil. Nothing happens within the entire universe without his permission. The mode of death does not matter to Him. What matters is the reconciliation of the soul back to Him after the loss of breadth. Life and death are simply the two parts of the cycle of life and they will never cease, yet no one ever accepts death. The capsule called death is merely but a means to be swallowed and ejected from this world. It is simply the means of transportation to eternity and there are so many means to that journey. Most are not pleasurable rides and none of those means matter to the creator. All that matter to Him is the end of man on earth and the reconciliation with Him, the Father and Creator of the entire universe.

The third phase of your life is like the lower course of a river. The gradient is at its gentlest as the river approaches the sea. Filled with levees, deltas and estuaries, the end must come as it transitions into the sea to continue in another realm of the journey into the cycle of life.
Your life should not be counted in chronological manner, for this also does not matter to God. Age is simply a drop in the ocean of eternity. He is the giver and He is the taker whenever it pleases Him. He said Heaven is not for the boring old men and women (centurions) who have their dentitions all fallen out. He has the babies, the children, the teenagers, the youth, the middle-aged and the old, all in His home. Only unloving children do not look forward to going home to their Heavenly Father.
As your river of life flows, you have the power to direct its flow; don’t ever leave it to fate. Take your destiny in your own hand, understand the purpose for which you were created and why that river flows. Flow in a seamless manner and strive to be fulfilled as your sunset approaches, so you can empty yourself at your estuary into the deep blue sea as you transition from mortality to immortality.
There are those whose impact ceases when they die. For some others, they continue to live based on their impact on earth; they become timeless, classic and immortal.
Begin to live and institutionalize your living so that when your time is up, you will transition through the capsule from the realm of breathing to the realm of living, going from humanity to eternity, so that those you left behind will never consider you late but will uphold you as a great soul in eternity.
History is filled with great men and women who transited into eternity and have never been regarded as late but as great. A few examples are Jesus Christ, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Martin Luther King Jr. etc.
When the end comes and you have fulfilled your destiny, having consciously maximized your potentials living your life of purpose, you will die empty, as the river empties all of its being into the deep wide ocean. The grave will not swallow your talent nor hold you captive. You would have made a difference between breathing and living and your Lord and master will welcome you home.

So, from today, work with the world as your notebook, consciously drawing the images you like on it. Whatever you do with that notebook is what you have in your power to do. You can draw beautiful images in it or you can tear the pages even as you wish, for the caterpillar’s end of the world, is the Master’s Butterfly.
Chinwe Ezeanya (BLS, MSc, ACII, FCIB) is an Author, Writer, Poet and a Life Coach.
She is the Chairperson of DEFFLID Foundation and is also known for her love and prowess in aesthetics.
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