When I studied American democracy in graduate school in the U S, in the early 80s, it was pretty much settled that the stability of American democracy is hinged on a system of political duopoly, (two party system), with one party leaning a little bit to the left and the other a little bit to the right. This belief is the center of American political gravity and a principle to which a vast majority of Americans subscribe. Third party or independent candidature rarely matters.
When Trump joined the Republican Party as its presidential candidate, he didn’t only drain the swamps of political tendencies within the party, he also dragged it to the far right of the party’s ideological spectrum.
This didn’t only upset the ideological balance on which American political stability had historical rested, it had also failed to create a new political order.
As a consequence, the ideological vacuum his action created bred fear, disunity, confusion, uncertainty and extremism on both sides.

Rather than create a new ideological safety valve for American democracy, Trump engaged in polarization, racism, lies, criminality, desecration of the office of the President and other unethical behaviors.
Trump first ran as a “Washington outsider” – usually a vote winning phrase for political dark horses of American politics. Americans voted for him, against a Washington insider and former First Lady, Hilary Clinton.
In 2020, however, Americans have opted to elect a Washington insider, with over 48 years of Washington experience, former Vice President Joe Biden. This paradox is America’s way of returning to its time tested ideological balance of power.
Trump’s racism, failed COVID 19 response, selfishness, nepotism, gangsterism, unguided utterances and sheer policy inconsistencies, no doubt may have all contributed to his electoral defeat.
But it is the fear that his politics has altered the ideological balance on which American democracy, plurality and evolution had historically rested, that was the final straw that broke the camel’s back.
Biden’s Presidency therefore is principally for the restoration of American political value. He may not achieve beachheads or conquer new territories. All America expects of Biden is to return America to its past, which though imperfect, had ensured progress, ethnic harmony and peaceful evolution.

Trump’s four years at the helm had reawakened the American society to its political responsibilities. Close to 150 million people voted in this election, the highest in American history. The Republican party had also made some inroads, even though it lost the presidency. The election had produced the first female vice president and also a Black woman. There is not doubt that Trump’s presidency had been catalyst to this epoch making political development. Trump, therefore has something to celebrate, even as he had failed to achieve his personal ambition.
Abdullahi Yelwa, a veteran journalist and newspaper editor, is now a media entrepreneur based in Abuja, Nigeria.