This Week In History

October 31, 1517 :
Martin Luther posted his 91 theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany :- a manifesto that turned a protest about an indulgence scandal into the Protestant Reformation.

 November 19 , 1917 :
Indira Gandhi (former Prime Minister of India) was born.
She died on October 31, 1989 .

November 15 1969 :
The largest anti war rally in United States history. 250,000 people gathered in Washington DC to protest against the Vietnam War.

 October 31, 2005:
BET Holdings Inc.  became  the first African American company listed in the New York stock exchange.

 November 1931:
Women’s War – widespread revolt against taxation by Nigerian women.

 November 25, 2003:
Then Nigerian President Chief Olusegun Obasanjo said he would surrender ousted Liberian leader Charles Taylor to face war crime charges if Liberians so desire.

 November 10, 2010:
TUC (Trade Unions Congress) called off a 3 day industrial action on the first day after the government agreed to increase the minimum wage to N7,500.00

  November 5, 2012:
Widespread flooding in Nigeria killed 363 people and displaced 2.1 million people.
