I awoke with Aurora the morning goddess full of smiles
Uranus though bleak and hazy
Displayed her darkest traits
For the children of Rhea to see
Calypso’s sweet serenade filtered through the silence
As Flora in elegance emerged
With a pluck of her Ceres for Ate
Apollo was overwhelmed with smiles

Oceanus growled with jealousy
As Hymen blessed the nuptial bliss
River Alpheus overflowed with joy
And Vulcanus erupted in jubilation
And Venus glittered with love Graces,
the goddess of perfection, beauty and charm
Algia, Euphrosyne and Thalia respectively
Witnessed as Vesta blessed the union with fire

Astraea was the high judge
And chairing was Themis the god of law and justice
Bon Dea blessed the couple with chastity
While Priapus vouched for fertility
Bacchus and Pluto supplied wine and riches
As Minerva pleaded with Pax for peace
With the arrow of love, Apollo sang to Cupid
As Hymen joined them in wedlock
Neptune became green with envy
The wedding was already done
The sun bowed low to Helius
And the heavens wept with joy.