They don’t make them like Theophilus Ajoku anymore. He was known to all, both young and old, as “Nda Theo.” It is a mark on endearment reserved for jolly seniors in the part of Igboland where he hailed from. And what a jolly good soul he was.

Today we bid our humble, effable and pleasant grand old boy, Surveyor Theophilus Akujobi Ajoku, farewell on his journey to meet his Maker.
Nda Theo is an Ogssian legend and a founding father of our Old Boys Association. He was there for the old boys in thick and thin and he carried the burdens of the association with dignity and pride. He was the pride of Owerri Branch, fully aware that Owerri was and is the home branch. He happily supplied photographs and memoirs twenty six years ago during the compilation and research for the Ogssian Diamond Jubilee Manual.

A Chartered Surveyor who trained and nurtured countless younger Ogssians in his field, Nda Theo played host to numerous old boys reunion parties in his home. He was the perfect host, always ably supported by his generous wife and children.

NdaTheo belongs to the Class of 1951, a depleting galaxy of Ogssian stars who shine I and out of season. That class includes Elder Felix Ohiewerei, Prof Ogugua Nwankiti and Rev Chike Nwizu who continue to light the way for younger generations. Fare thee beloved NdaTheo.
We promise to keep the Ogssian Flag flying.