They killed history to escape its judgement.
They obscured accountability to institutionalize corruption.
They imposed a rogue constitution to legalize their evil enterprise. They conspired with the legislature to uphold a pernicious constitution. They annexed the Judiciary to misinterpret the laws of the land.
They pocketed the security agencies to crush opposition. They propitiated the media to silence dissenting voices.
They defunded public schools, to install their foreign trained children into political dynasties.
Their ultimate goals are to pervade ignorance, perpetuate lines of privilege and ensure permanent subjugation of good by descendants of the bad.
Today, the mighty cruiser called ‘Nigeria’ is sinking fast, without rescue in sight. The lower deck where the commoners are housed is already under water, as the economy has crashed.
The Naira is on a free fall. The poverty level is unspeakable and the sorrows interminable. There is hunger and anger in the land.
Yet, our leaders live conspicuously in obscene opulence, completely oblivious of the wailings of the poor.
The middle deck houses the intelligentsia and its already half submerged. The occupants include professionals, technocrats and university professors, from whom returning officers of INEC are picked.
This segment should serve as the light of the nation and voice of the voiceless.
The upper deck belongs to the political class and their enablers, allies and beneficiaries. They are in charge of the controls of this giant cruiser. Expectedly, this deck is still intact and afloat, buoyed by humongous loot.
But tragically, they are disconnected from the troubles below, much to their peril. At their best, they are insensitive to the angst and anguish of the downtrodden. They are partying in the ballrooms, making merry and clinking champagne glasses, while the cruiser is going down. They have secured life boats by way of foreign passports and nationalities. They have since relocated their families to ‘safer’ havens, because they know we all live on borrowed time.
The masses do not have life boats. They cannot afford them. If the cruiser sinks, they sink with it. The intelligentsia in the middle deck have a precarious choice to make. They could stick with the masses and drown with them, in silent complicity. They may also choose to acquiesce and further enable the plunderers in exchange for crumbs and pittances. This way, they would without question incur the judgment of posterity.
In a flash of altruism they could decide to break the glass ceiling and retrieve the controls from those enemies in the upper deck. They represent the last hope of the drowning plebeians.
The enemies who have plundered and pillaged our nation do not operate alone. They always rely on support systems. Knowingly or unknowingly we provide this vital support.
Complicity could be by action or inaction.
The complicit are the the enablers of evil or those that are silent to evil.
The public servants, who promote and even celebrate mediocrity over and above excellence, are complicit.
The party delegates, who sell the destiny of our country for a wad of dollars are complicit.
The party officials, who take bribe to foist unworthy candidates are complicit.
The electorate, who accept morsels of bread for their votes are complicit.
The university professors, under whose watch INEC falsifies figures to elect unpopular candidates are complicit.
The security agencies, who protect the looters of our treasury are complicit.
The citizens who do nothing but watch as the ship sinks, are also complicit.
The events of last Saturday’s presidential primary elections of the PDP are still fresh in memory. They should stir your calm, disrupt your complacency and break your resilience.
I have bad news for the plunderers. Life boats do not guarantee safety in troubled waters. They will be tossed up and down with tides of turbulence, until they capsize. The Law of Karma is blind and unforgiving. Furthermore, there are no safe havens anymore, anywhere on the planet. Economic fugitives continue to run from one country to another until they are caught, extradited and tried in home countries.
The enemies might just have succeeded in suspending the judgement of history. Posterity represents future generations of Nigerians. They can neither be suspended nor placated. They will unleash their judgement with the fury of hell, when the time is ripe.