…The prophet said to the crowd which had gathered to hear him, “Listen to this parable:”
“Once upon a time, a king sent his son to school in a distant land. After years of study, the son came home and announced to his father that he had graduated in flying colors. His overjoyed father, the king, threw a big party and invited everyone in his kingdom.
“As the party approached, he said to his son, “You must make a giant copy of your graduation certificate for I want to show the world what great feat my son has accomplished.” The son did as his father instructed and presented an enlarged copy of his certificate which his proud father showed off to his guests.
“But when the party was over and the guests had gone home, a courtier whispered to the king: “The certificate which your son presented is not the exact similitude of certificates from his school. The people are now murmuring behind your back that your son has presented a false certificate and may not have attended the school to which you sent him.”
So the king called his son privately and enquired concerning what he had heard. But his son, the prince, swore saying: “I have done no wrong, father. I presented to you and the entire kingdom a true certificate of my study.”

“Years passed and all seemed quiet until another courtier went to the king and whispered once more: “The news is all over the kingdom that your son has been parading a false certificate.” So, this time, the king discreetly sent emissaries to the school to ascertain the authenticity of his son’s certificate. When the prince heard this, he tore his clothes, poured dust on his head and cried out loudly saying, “O King, wherefore do you seek to cause me great and irreparable harm?”
“But the king’s emissaries persisted in their inquiry, whereupon it emerged that although the king’s son attended the school, he had presented a false certificate which the school did not know about. Furious, the king said to his son, “Why have you deceived and lied to me and the people all these years? Why have you brought shame upon me within my kingdom and round about?”

“The son replied: “Father, I lost the real certificate during a turbulent storm on my journey home. When you asked for an enlarged copy to show your friends, I was afraid to disappoint you. So I secretly engaged a master calligrapher to make me a replica of the original certificate. I plead my innocence for indeed I attended the school to which you sent me. I only made by the way side a copy of the certificate to which I am rightfully entitled. I have committed no fakery or forgery. My enemies are wicked and seek my downfall over this trifle thing. They are envious that I am the prince of the kingdom and want to take my place.”
Having told them this parable, the prophet asked the people these questions: “If you were the king, what would you think, do or say concerning your son? Would you hug, kiss and affirm him for acting wisely? Or would you reprimand and punish him for insincerity and deceit? And if you were among the people of this kingdom, what would you think of the prince? Would you consider him a man of good and proper character? Would you honor him and set him as an example your sons and daughters to emulate?”
When the people heard these questions, they were perplexed and said to themselves, “The prophet has set a difficult task before us.” Then one of them spoke up saying, “Who are we to judge, for we are ordinary people without wisdom. Let the king do what is right and proper with his prince. Whatever the king decides is right. It shall be binding upon us all in the kingdom thenceforth.”
Having said this, the people dispersed, every man to his tent.