If Jesus The Christ lived in Nigeria today, he would have told the Parable of the Good Nigerian in words like these:
“A man was traveling from Abuja to Kaduna. On the highway, he was attacked, robbed, kidnapped, beaten and left for dead by marauders. Government and security officials hurried past and looked the other way. Religious leaders, civil society organizations and other citizens passed by and screamed in helpless horror.
“Then came a good Nigerian traveling along the same way. He stopped and began to attend to the wounded man, not minding any danger to himself. He bandaged him and spoke uplifting words to the wounded man which gave him hope. With his few companions, he put the wounded man in his car to take him to hospital where he would be better cared for.

“Along came some other men who said to the good Nigerian: ‘Why are you wasting your time? This man is as good as dead. Leave him to his fate for he cannot be saved. It is more profitable to go your way like us and leave him here where you found him for he will surely die from his wounds.’ But the good Nigerian paid them no heed and continued on his way to hospital with the wounded man.
“Now, if you were the wounded man, which of these men would you follow: Those who robbed and attacked you, leaving you for dead? Those who hurried past and looked the other way? Those who stood by and did nothing? Those who said you should be left to your fate to die? Or those who came to your rescue and offered you hope?
“The wounded man is Nigeria and its millions of ordinary citizens. Those who attacked him are bandits, terrorists and public office holders terrorizing the country with bad leadership. Those who looked on helplessly and did nothing are members of the opposition PDP. Those who said the wounded man should be left to his fate are APC & PDP spokespersons, agents,apologists and “party faithfuls” who are either profiting or hoping to profit from the current state of affairs. Therefore they see no reason for any radical intervention. Those who stopped and offered help are Peter Obi, Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed and the Labor Party. They have taken upon themselves the burden of saving a badly wounded nation.
“No wonder, Nigerians in their millions from all parts of the country are choosing to place their faith in them. Those who have ears let them hear.”