
Today, Nigeria stands on a knife edge of destiny, A tuff too precarious to pamper our calm and complacency.

On the right is the threshold of history, with a potential to nurture a Super Power status in no distant future.

On the left is a precipice of disaster,
With a prospect for bottomless pit lined with thistles and thorns.

In front is a future pregnant with illicit ambitions as well as noble aspirations.

At the back is a trail of blood and tears,
After years of flood, poor choices, misrule, and material poverty.

Above is a cloud of destiny shrouded by whirlwind,
Blowing towards a polar winter or tropical summer.

Below is a pathway of molten rock,
That will lead to the hallway of power after the 2023 elections.

As we bid farewell to the last year of insecurity, impunity, nepotism, failed leadership, battered economy and interminable sorrows, every citizen of Nigeria should adopt this resolution mantra: “NEVER AGAIN”.

NEVER AGAIN shall we acquiesce to be used as pawns in the tribal and religious games of deception, on election days.

NEVER AGAIN shall we support a candidate whose pedigree reads like a demon’s resume.

NEVER AGAIN shall we elect a president whose true identity is as opaque as a foggy sky.

NEVER AGAIN shall we choose a leader whose past is as dark as the Mariana Trench.

NEVER AGAIN shall Nigerians swear in a president whose school records are as incongruous as night and day.

NEVER AGAIN shall we elect a leader whose date and place of birth become flashpoints for needless controversy.

NEVER AGAIN shall we endorse a president whose health conditions are beyond the capabilities of our fragile healthcare system.

NEVER AGAIN shall we lend our mandate to a Commander-in-Chief who is insensitive to the angst and anguish of the suffering masses.

NEVER AGAIN shall we prop up a Chief Executive who will tilt the balance of power by annexing the Legislature.

NEVER AGAIN shall we support an Executive arm who will kill the rule of law by subjugating the Judiciary.

NEVER AGAIN shall we pander to a candidate whose political career is marred by corruption and smeared by plunder.

NEVER AGAIN shall we elect a president whose mediocrity dwarfs the towering intellect for which Nigerians are best known.

NEVER AGAIN shall we return a political party, whose tenure has brought our country to its knees, in every conceivable index of human development.


Happy New Year, fellow compatriots.
Wishing you a fortuitous 2023.

Victor Amadi is a medical professional and writes from USA
