*LETTER TO THE KOLOSHIANS* (Nigerians who place private, pecuniary, sectional or party interest over national interest)

1. Brethren of the land of Kolo, greetings in the name of the Most High.

2. The Lord will not give power to those whom He made powerful but who forget their lowliness and begin to think that power belongs to them. He will take power from their hands and give it to the humble of heart who will do His will and honor His name. Harken unto these words and ye shall live.

3. The Lord has anointed someone to lead you in this season out of your many troubles. But I hear that some of you say he is just an ordinary man, as unrighteous as the rest of you; so why trust him with the throne? I say to you, Indeed, he is an ordinary man. But where is his unrighteousness? You have searched for his sins under every stone and found none. What other sign do you need that the Lord has anointed him? Woe unto you who would rather have known thieves, brigands, drug addicts and money changers rule over you. You are haters of righteousness because your hearts are full of wickedness. Woe unto you.

4. You say in your hearts and with your lips that he only led a small city; how can he be trusted to lead a big nation? But I say unto you: How many men did Moses lead before he was appointed to lead my Israel out of Egypt? It is not by might but by grace. Anyone who can be trusted with small things, he can likewise be trusted with bigger things. And anyone who cannot be trusted with small purses will rob you blind when entrusted with a bag of gold. Be wise that you may not perish like fools.

5. Some of you say that you prefer old men to rule over you; men who are far spent in years and need help to stand upright or even think. They go abroad every few weeks for medical treatment and return with ailments which they conceal carefully from you. I say woe unto you for your hearts are full of wickedness. Who chooses the old to lead them to war or go to the farm when there are young men full of energy? Would you appoint old men to rule over your most valued private or business affairs? Or thieves to oversee your family finances? If not, why would you visit such wickedness on your own country? Do you not know that your country is your most important business after your family? Woe unto you for despising the nation which the Lord Himself has given to you from birth; preferring to destroy it with your own hands and escape to other lands where you are strangers. Woe unto you.

6. You say that the man the Lord has chosen for you is not from your part of the country or your religion, so you would not support him. I say to you: What have the other leaders before now who are from your part of the country or of the same religion with you; what have they done for you – except to bring violence, poverty, destruction and death? Have they not laid your economy to waste and made you queue for bread, for oil and even for your own little coins? Woe unto you because your hearts are full of wickedness. You have eyes but you do not see.

6. Some of you say that the one given to you will not win because he has no structures. Therefore you would prefer evil men to win who have structures? Woe unto you, Koloshians! Woe to you. By these words you have placed your faith in chariots and horsemen and neglected the clear voice  of the Lord. Verily I say unto you: These chariots & structures of iniquity which you see today, you shall see them no more. Then there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth among you.

7. You say you will not vote for righteous men and the party which the Lord has chosen for you this season because workers of iniquity have threatened that your votes will not count. Therefore you have decided to give evil men your consent to win or stay in office. Woe unto you for your hearts are wicked and frail. In your hearts you have given more power to ordinary men than to God. If you do not repent quickly, you shall perish like the evil men you are supporting.

8. And woe unto you, false prophets, who do not hear from the Lord but prophesy falsely unto your pockets for gain. You shall not receive shi-shi. And any favors you receive from evil people to prophesy falsely shall turn into bitterness in your mouths and bring much tears to your eyes. It shall be better that you were poor and hungry than that you accepted favor from Mamon. Woe unto you.

9. Therefore I say unto you Koloshians, seekers of iniquity: Repent now and choose righteousness, or you shall perish like your ancestors who had hearts of stone. They turned away from the Lord and perished in the wilderness for their disobedience. Thus says the Lord of Hosts: “Victory is not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit alone.” Repent now or you shall likewise perish. For only the pure in heart shall enter His promised land. Repent!

© Victor Anazonwu, 18/2/23
