With a deep sense of awe and respect, I shudder at the recollection of these piercing words uttered many years ago by SAMORA MACHEL, an illustrious son of Africa and the first president of Mozambique. Today, I dare to borrow his eloquent text for the title of this essay, owing to the apt relevance to our present political conundrum.
Nigeria is the most populous black nation on the planet. Arguably, it is also one of the most favored in terms of climate, location, human and material resources. Therefore it is no wonder that she carries the hopes and aspirations of a battered continent and indeed the entire Black race. A continent whose member states naturally look up to Nigeria, to lead them out of the woods of poverty and subjugation.
Tragically, Nigeria is presently at the crossroads of history; a nation in transition to death or ninth life; a giant with a trunk of steel and feet of clay; a fledgling democracy with a fragile and fraudulent constitution; a country in a political wilderness where small cliques of oligarchs and cabals have seized all the oases; and now a battleground between TRIBALISM and NATIONALISM.
According to dictionary definition, a TRIBE is a group of people with the same language, interests, customs, beliefs or political affiliations. They usually exist as ill fitting fragments on the fringes of a bigger and loftier NATION. Tribes serve to bestow group identity because as humans, we come alive in the presence of others. For example, a clan is related by blood; a generation is connected by age; a faction is tied by political ideology; a sect is identified by religion; a cabal is affiliated by conspiracy and betrayal. But a NATION is bound by a common destiny, which supersedes and subsumes all tribal allegiances.

Tribe is also a primordial instinct developed by our earliest forbears, for survival on a hostile planet. In their time, numbers meant strength and safety because they were constantly engaged in battles for food and territory. Thankfully, today, we are no longer fighting for food and space. But the tribe instinct has lingered, serving only the selfish interests of plundering and manipulative politicians. Every four years, they wear the tribal mask, secure our votes and then return to their old ways.
With the rise of nation-states in the 17th century, tribal and ethnic pursuits were relegated to mere ceremonial pastime, serving only to preserve cultural heritage.
Tribal and national interests will always clash and undermine each other in any modern society. Nigerians have played the tribal game since independence and it has not served her well. Today, it is apparent that tribal considerations in nation building are shamefully primitive and pathetically pedestrian. Clinging to tribal bigotry in a multiethnic country like ours, will always create fault lines for internal conflicts and disintegration. Meanwhile, the people of Nigeria share a doomed destiny, irrespective of ethnic group. And every tribe is well represented in the enemy camp. It would be common street wisdom for Nigerians to recognize two groups of citizens: the OPPRESSORS and the OPPRESSED.
Another general election is in the horizon. Where do you belong?
Fortunately, we now have a chance to rescue our country from the oppressors, if only we can kill the tribe in our psyche.
The tribe in us must die if we have to elect leaders with hearts of empathy and compassion; who will be sensitive to the genuine needs of the masses. We must delete the tribe instinct in us before we can vote to secure the future of our progenies. The tribe in us must be subdued if we must rid our land of invading terrorists, bandits and vandals. We must murder the tribe in us if we must shun corrupt and senile politicians, who seek to liquidate our country and then flee with their families to ‘safe’ havens . The tribe in us must be decapitated if we plan to shun nepotism and embrace inclusivity for a stable and prosperous nation.
When the tribal monster dies in the majority of us, the nation of our dreams may then rise from the ashes of pillage an plunder. The pathway to healing and restoration will be long and arduous. But we can start if you vote right in 2023.
Please, vote for competence, youth, mental fitness, accountability, knowledge, track record, political will and character.
Dr. Amadi, a medical practitioner, writes from the US.