Book Review by Chinwe Ezeanya
The Book “Everyday Greatness” by Steven Covey captivated me on the first day of September 2013 when I first set my eyes on it. Reading it enabled me re-define my life’s call.
It was on one of those days I was so bored and low in spirit, I decided to take a walk to my next-door neighbor’s house and as we exchanged pleasantries, I walked around their living space as if in searched of some treasure. My eyes immediately cast its glimpse on a brown and white book titled “Everyday Greatness.” I picked it up and read the blurb and introduction. I asked to borrow it and was granted permission to. I immediately said goodbye to my good neighbors having found the treasure that was serendipitously put on my path by the Divine. I left immediately to devour the pages of my newly acquired treasure.
As I read through the pages, my spirit was lifted and boredom immediately vanished within those ten minutes of my stepping out of my home. Two days later, I purchased my own copy of “Everyday Greatness,” and I returned theirs with gratitude in my heart.
Everyday Greatness is a book I see as an essential Manual for life especially in this season of introspection. Its collection of stories and quotes are the inspirations for a meaningful life which are the compendium of stories published over the years from the Reader’s Digest. It was compiled by David K Hatch, with its insights and commentaries written by Stephen R. Covey.
Today, as the world emerges gradually from a global lock-down due to the Covid- 19 pandemic I reflect once more on Covey’s introduction knowing great heroes will emerge during and after this global challenge. Covey states thus:
“I feel blessed. In a world where turmoil dominates the evening news and words of discouragement often prevail, I feel blessed to meet daily with individuals around the globe whose lives convince me that there is an abundance of good among us. Occasionally the world witnesses a heroic feat or discovers a person with rare talent. Every now and then, a scientist makes a pivotal discovery or an engineer designs a revolutionary device. Each decade or so, a pair of politicians sign a bold peace initiative. Annually, extravagant affairs tout the year’s best actors, musicians, athletes, and sales-people, while hometown festivals crown the person who can eat the most chili peppers or sound the best yodel. Such singular events and accomplishments often appear in sizzling media headlines under the banner of “greatness,” and in most cases they do represent a type of greatness that is deserving of attention and applause. For many of them represent achievements that move society forward in significant, progressive ways, while others simply add a much-needed measure of spice and humor to life. But most people know there is another type of greatness that tends to be more quiet by nature, one that generally escapes the headlines. Yet, it is greatness that in my opinion is deserving of higher honor, even more respect. I call it “Everyday Greatness.”
Everyday Greatness according to Covey is what he sees as “primary greatness” which deals more with character and contribution as distinguished from “secondary greatness,” which has to do with notoriety, wealth, fame, prestige or position. It is a way of living and not a one-time event. It says more about who a person is than what a person has, and is portrayed more by the goodness that radiates from a face than the title on a business card. It speaks more about the people’s motives than about their talents; more about small and simple deeds than about grandiose accomplishments.
Covey believes that what leads to the root of everyday greatness are embedded in the three everyday choices each of us makes whether we are consciously aware of them or not. His insights and commentary will help you apply the principles in the book to your own life by challenging you to make three important choices every day.
The choice to act – your energy; The choice of purpose- your destination; The choice for principles – the means for attaining your goals.
Covey’s intent for the book is that first, you should be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the reading; second, be provided with inspiration as to how you personally can get a little more out of life and of course, give a little more too; and third, be aroused with a greater passion to become a transition person.
Packed with a wealth of wisdom, the book will inspire you with moving and timeless stories of lives lived to the fullest, often through adversity and challenge and the works from diverse people in the collection, represent shining examples of character-driven living.
The Book for me represents those I call “Copper People” because they have had greater everyday impact on their communities much more than the “Gold People.”
Indeed, as I read, I drew a lot of strength from the diverse individuals’ stories and clearly understood that I am also living a life of purpose after the successful liver transplant challenge with my son as I gradually made my own copper-like contribution to humanity in the little but noble way I could. I was going through a transition and trying to figure out how to forge ahead having minimized my run around in pursuit of business as I dedicated my time to healing, nurturing my son and lending a helping hand to those other individuals I found struggling to survive as a result of liver diseases.

The heroes and the unsung heroes of the pandemic that has besieged the world are emerging and will be celebrated soon. Will you be among them?
Stephen Covey’s holds that: “The craving for purpose propels us to make the choices that will bring us the most joy and satisfaction from life. But in a busy world, it is so easy to become diverted by lesser choices – choices that in the long run are of little value or meaning. And so, to gain the peace of mind and sense of accomplishment that we desire, we must pause momentarily to develop a clear image of the dreams, priorities and goals we believe will have the most lasting meaning, both for us and for others.
The choice to act represents our will power. The choice of purpose represents our destination – where we choose to go in life and what we choose to accomplish.
The choice for principles determines the means for how we will get there – how we will attain our goals.
In his introduction to the Book, Covey further states that: “The collection is not about the people already mentioned in the stories but it’s about you. In other words, it is not intended to highlight what others have done or said but rather to encourage you to examine your own life. What you contribute on a daily basis, how you treat people. How you use your time. Whether you are doing good or doing your best.
He asked the questions below:
Is your life like driftwood being tossed to and fro, or are you instead making your own waves and going in directions you -by choice- want to go?
To what ends, or purposes, are your daily choices leading? And to what ends and purposes would you like them to lead?
Is your life in harmony with timeless, universal principles?
Covey envisions many uses of the Book “Everyday Greatness,” but above all, he sees individuals like you (me,) using it to discover inspiring, mind expanding insights and solutions to specific personal challenges.
Act upon life, attach yourself to meaningful, uplifting purposes, live in accordance with timeless principles so you can find greater joy, more peace of mind, and an enhancing feeling of worth that comes through living a life of everyday greatness, for within each individual lies the need for meaning- the longing to be of value.
Everyday Greatness changed my perception of my own life. This is exactly one of the reasons I love to read and write. I am an Everyday Greatness person.
As I conclude, I ask you my dear reader: Are you an “Everyday Greatness” person?
Chinwe Ezeanya holds a bachelor’s degree in Library Science. She is a Chartered Insurer and a Fellow of the Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (NCRIB.)
She is an Author, Writer, Poet and lover of aesthetics. She is the Chairperson of DEFFLID Foundation.