Hi, did you know that everything you need to be extremely wealthy and happy is inside of you and nothing outside of you can stop you.
You are a living force, an electromagnetic force that gives life. You are a part of the universe and contribute to the ecosystem. You are a co-creator through your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs. You are an embodiment of energy and a force that can light up an electric bulb.
What kind of power, force, or energy are you operating with and at what dimension are you operating at?
Did you know that anything you focus on can easily be achieved? Are you aware of the fact that you attract what you dwell on and this is the secret which the sages and religious men of old knew so well. This secret has become open today and it is called ‘The Law of Attraction.” Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie “The Secret is a modern day bestseller based on this universal principle.
Did you also know that your thoughts generate 8 watts of power and your emotions 4 watts?
Do you know that you have a morphic field which consists of your thought, emotion and belief which operating at a radius of 8 meters around you?
Your thoughts, words and beliefs influence the energy and all you visualize.
David Cameron Gikandi in his book “A Happy Pocket Full of Money’ explains how quantum physics, spiritual beliefs and other fields of study prove that the power we have is so much more than we can ever imagine.
A bit of this power can be explained when you walk into an environment and your mood changes to a happy or a sober one. What is it that changes your countenance? Do you have people in your life that once you meet, your spirit goes low as if your power pack is drained? And do you have people you meet, and you are filled with inspiration and a rapport to engage in an endless conversation? Are there people you have met, and you felt love all around you? And are there some you have a feeling of resentment towards? So, what is that force that enables you experience those feelings?
The power we have can work for us or work against us. Did you know that when you are angry and feel very negative emotions towards another close individual, you both emit negative energy in a double proportion of 16 meters which will keep you both at a farther distance?
Begin to pay attention to those feelings and become emotionally sensitive to how people feel about your aura. Desire to acquire emotional intelligence for this will determine how far you will achieve a sound judgement, build better relationships, attract what you desire and have a beautiful balance and harmony in your life. It will also enable you attract wealth and goodwill if you desire to prosper in all critical areas of your life.
I love the Life- Coaching profession. Everyone needs a coach for the different critical areas of their lives. Coaching generally moves you from a place where you are to a place you want to be.
As a Certified Life Coach and a Neuro Linguistics Programming Therapist in addition to my studies of Self Mastery, Emotional Freedom Techniques and the Matrix-Re-imprinting Therapy, I have come to understand deeper the workings of the mind and the universe and how we have called into being the experiences we have as individuals today.
In this article, I want to focus on wealth and what we presume money to be with an insight from Gikandi book “A Happy Pocket Full of Money. He explains that Quantum Physics enables you know what you and the world are made of and this is the first key to knowing how to make the world what you desire it to be for you.
What is your thought about money? Do you consider it a good thing or an evil thing?
We often hear the quote that “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Is it true? Some say that “money solves all problems.” There are lots of quotes associated with money. What really is money?
Gikandi says that money is a shadow of something else and that the first step to having wealth is to know what it is. Your mindset about money and wealth will also determine if it will come to you or if you are a repelling factor to wealth accumulation. It all boils down to values.
What then is money?
Money is merely a legal tender, a form of exchange used to exchange value. It is human beings who place value in things. The value we place is within our minds because the material things have no money value in themselves. The easiest explanation of this fact is with an example of shares or property valued at $1 million dollars at a point in time but can fall to $10,000.00 when fear is introduced into the hearts of those with the invested interests. The fear kills a portion of the internal values of the participants and that is reflected by the paper money, which is the body of value.
Have you wondered if all the money you believe you have and those of the over 7 billion people on earth are stored, the space and weight it would amount to? Did you know that only about 4% of the money in the banks exist as paper cash? Money does not even exist as gold reserve anymore since the 1970s for the world ran out of the ability to keep a gold standard. So, in a nutshell, for every $100 printed, or its equivalent in any other currency, only about $4 exists as printed paper notes or coins while the rest exist as numbers written on papers and computers in banks and businesses and other entities. The only reason it does not collapse is that we all believe in the system.
There are numerous examples of systems from time immemorial that have grown and crashed. In the past thirty years, Nigerians and some other nations have fallen prey to the numerous Pyramid, Ponzi schemes and some network marketing schemes that have emanated from within and from different parts of the world. Isn’t that enough to show that money is an illusion. The accumulation of physical cash and the compounding interests promised in the chain system are usually never sustained. They become overbearing and overwhelming for the operators and once fear or threat is instilled in the hearts of those with vested interests, the rush to cash out always leads to the collapse of the system. Those that have invested hundreds of thousands and those with millions eventually always realize that their money turned out to be just numbers in a computer system. Millions of people have ended up broke severally with a hard setback to their businesses and life generally. Many have also committed suicide and a lot of others who had no will to begin afresh the quest to accumulate wealth ended up depressed or with various forms of mental health. Unfortunately, the lessons of the numerous failed schemes hardly deter the same people with the mindset of get rich quick from further engaging in newer but similar schemes. There will always be a new “Mugu’ as we say in Nigeria. This means there will always be another ignorant fool to be roped into such schemes and they always fail to realize that money is a myth.
Even in the most legitimate business of the stock market with all its regulations by different economies and governments, they still end up crashing at the average of twenty years according to Gregg Braden in his book ‘Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age.’ In Chapter five of his book titled “History Repeats in Love and War: Fractal warnings for the Future,” he states that there are cycles in everything.” Having studied the stock market crash in the USA from the time of the Great crash in October 1929, he calculated the seed years of the calculated indices that drove the subsequent collapse through the years, to be every twenty years.
The Cosmologist Alexander Friedman (1888-1925), stated that
“The eternal flow of time goes through cyclical periods manifestation of the universe.”
Gikandi convinces his readers that money is not real. You are urged henceforth never to look at money the way you have always looked at it. Money is something else in its totality. Money is just the shadow of that other something. Wealth is value and values are more important than physical cash. The value you have can make you surplus cash if well harnessed he explained.
I recall a story I read many years ago about the Christmas collection for the poorest family in a certain church. The Reverend Father had announced to his congregation that in the next one month, a collection would be made to donate to the poorest family among his congregation. Every member of the church was asked to save towards the collection. A certain faithful widow on getting home, gathered her children to discuss the plan towards the said collection for the poorest family in church. Although they did not have what the world would call valuable possessions, they worked extra hard, scraped and saved, even depriving themselves some benefits of their needs for the yuletide celebrations just to make a meaningful contribution towards the Reverend Father’s request.
On the D-Day, when the offering basket was passed, they watched it move round and when it finally got to their pew, the Widow dropped in the One Hundred Dollar Bill she and her family had struggled to save. Sitting in their usual position at the back of the church, they were the last to drop their offering and within a short time, the collection was counted and announced that the church had collected the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars in offering for the poorest family in church. The Lady looked at her children who in turn looked at her and at each other in astonishment. How could a congregation of seemingly well to do and well-dressed individuals and their families give so little? The little church had about seventy people on average, as congregation members.
As the service came to an end, the Reverend father announced to the congregation that a certain missionary would visit the church in two weeks’ time and he requested once more a package for the Mission. The following Sunday, the Reverend Father approached the widow and her children at the end of service and gave them an envelope which they took home excitedly. On getting home, they opened the envelope and saw the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars. They looked at each other in shock and bewilderment. They were totally dumbfounded for despite their struggles in life, they had never known themselves to be poor. They had never imagined that the word poor was associated with a family like theirs. They were speechless and for the rest of the evening, you could hear a pin drop in their tiny home. Could it mean that the church they had worshipped in for years considered them to be very poor and not just that but the poorest and the needy in that church? The widow simply sealed the envelop and put it in her Bible. The shock and revelation were just too much for the family to bear.
The following Sunday, when the collection was made for the visiting Missionary, the widow opened her Bible, took the envelop and dropped it in the offering basket. At the end of the service, the Reverend Father announced the collected sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. The said sum would be handed over to the visiting Missionary the following Sunday. The widow and her children once more looked at her children and they in turn looked at her and at each other bewildered as they did the mental arithmetic.
The story of the Widow and her children left an indelible impression in me over the years and as the saying goes, “all that glitters is not gold.”
Reading Thomas J. Stanley’s book ‘The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy, one clearly understands that the neveux rich have their ways of seeing wealth, while the wealthy have their own ways of understanding, living and accumulating wealth.
Looking at the shadow which is the physical money is very unwise unfortunately we have found ourselves in a world of covetousness where materialism remains the order of the day. In Africa and especially in Nigeria, the politicians have so flaunted physical cash including dollars that it is believed by some people including myself that a greater percentage of the printed dollars in the world are in individual vaults within Nigeria. It is unbelievable how some elites even have dollar graves within their premises. Unfortunately, they have stashed away what they did not work hard for but a steal of the commonwealth of the people converted into dollars and stashed away for themselves and their future generations.
I love the quote by Wallace D. Wattles which states that “There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra and arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty.”
Gikandi talked about the Universal Law of Karma which in a nutshell is the law of sowing and reaping. Whatever you sow, you will reap. I wonder what exactly those who steal and sow/bury dollars in graves within their premises hope to reap. I leave the imagination to the Law of Karma to reveal.
The “Get Rich Quick or “neveux rich” as the French call it, has plagued the world as we now know it and it seems there is no longer any form of dignity in hard work. Delayed gratification seems to be old fashioned and is possibly becoming extinct.
For the Young widow in my story above, I have no doubt within me that her family will end up wealthy. They already imbibed the spirit of hard work towards a cause and a great heart for generosity. Wealth accumulation will surely happen with the lessons learn twice within that Christmas season in addition to their spirit of positive mindset, hard work and imbibed values.
George S. Clason in his classic book “The Richest Man in Babylon” states ‘Lo money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition.
Start thy purse to fattening.
Control thy expenditure.
Make thy gold multiply.
Guard thy treasures from loss.
Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.
Insure a future income.
Increase the ability to earn.

Chinwe N. Ezeanya (BLS, MSc, ACII, FCIB) is an Author, Writer, Poet and a Life Coach.
She is also a lover of the aesthetics and the Chairperson of DEFFLID Foundation.
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E-mail – cnezeanya@yahoo.com