Peter Ihejieto was calm and serene and the overriding impression one had of him was that of a friendly person. No one who ever met him will forget him. WHO Killed THIS DOVE? Death stole Peter from us. Fair_complexioned, soft spoken with a deep baritone, always conveyed a message in our chats and phone discussions. He was genial, affable with no airs and graces.
This Peter of ours had no guile in him and carried himself with grace and nobility. Peter Ihejieto our friend and mate didn’t have to shout to be heard. One incident struck out in our personal dealings. Peter Achtung was the first to request for the Diamond jubilee Manual and paid for it. We met at V-Ginis In front of the WAEC office at Yaba Lagos. We always had our rendezvous there. Peter spent all his working career at WAEC where he distinguished himself with competence and Intergrity.
The Renaissance set is in deep shock as we struggle to come to terms with Peter ‘s death. Pierre, Pirosso was part of us in spirit and in deed. His death reminded me of my own mortality. It is also a reminder to build real relationships that is Intentional and not superficial. Unbelievable that we never visited ourselves at home to connect with our families. With tears in my eyes , I will visit Peter ‘s home in his death. I will live with that pain that I should have visited.
No more will I hear that melodious voice on the phone bellowing Osei.