‘Behind the Pulpit’ By Emelayo Theophilus

Behind the pulpit 
 are those guys 
who live their lives
helping others live theirs  aright

Behind the pulpit
are those guys    
who strictly worship  
but seemed worshiped 

Some of this guys  are now after the world 
They say we are not of the world 
Yes, according to the word

Behind the pulpit
they speak of numbered heads in sheets 
and ask for baskets full of it 
so as to have as much  to eat

 Behind the pulpit 
they announce terrors on
on both paupers and mayors  
for the mixture of better colors

But when He the claim   
to stand for, leave them lame 
then who is to blame   
have they now achieved their aim

 And when Judge comes  
 to reckon the  work done  
 He shall start all he does from  
Behind the pulpit

Behind the pulpit
 are those guys  
who are to be careful
of what they say, see and do.

